Thursday, August 27, 2020

FTC Warns of Check Overpayment Scams

FTC Warns of 'Check Overpayment' Scams The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is cautioning customers of a perilous and developing cheat called the â€Å"check overpayment† trick, presently the fifth most normal selling misrepresentation and the fourth most regular Internet trick at any point detailed. In the check excessive charge trick, the individual you are working with sends you a check for more than the sum they owe you, and afterward trains you to wire the equalization back to them. Or on the other hand, they send a check and instruct you to store it, save some portion of the sum for your own pay, and afterward wire the rest back for some explanation. The outcomes are the equivalent: the check in the long run bobs, and you’re stuck, answerable for everything, including what you wired to the con artist. Run of the mill casualties incorporate people selling something over the Internet, being paid to accomplish work at home, or being sent â€Å"advance winnings† in a sham sweepstakes. The checks in this trick are phony yet they look sufficiently genuine to trick most investors. Post! The FTC offers the accompanying tips for dodging the check excessive charge trick: Know who you’re managing †autonomously affirm your buyer’s name, road address, and phone number.Never consent to wire back assets to a purchaser a genuine purchaser won't compel you to do as such, and you have restricted plan of action if there is an issue with a wire transfer.If you’re selling something over the Internet, state â€Å"no† to a check for more than your selling value, regardless of how enticing the request or persuading the story.Resist strain to â€Å"act now.† If the buyer’s offer is acceptable now, it ought to be acceptable when the check clears.If you acknowledge installment with a money order, request a check drawn on a nearby bank or a keep money with a neighborhood office. You can visit that bank office to decide whether the check is legitimate.There is no authentic explanation behind somebody who is giving you cash to request that you wire cash back.Consider an elective strategy for installment, for example, an esc row administration or online installment administration. In the event that the purchaser needs to utilize an assistance you have not known about, make certain to look at it to be certain it is solid †check its site, call its client care hotline, and read its terms of understanding and security strategy. In the event that you don't feel good with the administration, don't utilize it. The Lottery Winner Version In another adaptation of this trick, the casualty is sent a phony check for â€Å"foreign lottery winnings,† yet is advised they have to wire the sender the necessary remote government’s assessments or charges on the prize before they can money the check. Subsequent to sending the expenses, the purchaser attempts to money the check, just to be told the sender is caught in a remote country with no real way to create the money. The FTC cautions shoppers to â€Å"throw away any offer that approaches you to pay for a prize or unconditional present; and don't enter outside lotteries †most requesting for them are deceitful, and it is illicit to play a remote lottery through the mail or by telephone.† Assets More counsel on the best way to be prepared for Internet misrepresentation is accessible at . Buyers are approached to report check excessive charge tricks to their state Attorney General, the National Fraud Information Center/Internet Fraud Watch, an assistance of the National Consumers Leagueâ or 1-800-876-7060, or the FTC at or 1-877-FTC-HELP.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Comic Books: History and Impact on Society

Comic Books: History and Impact on Society Comic books hold an unquestionable essentialness in current history. Three parts of centrality incorporate the historical backdrop of comic books, the utilization of funnies for social critique, and the social effect funnies have had on our day by day lives. Comic books had humble beginnings, soon they developed into a significant danger during Cold War period American culture and afterward turned into an outlet to nonconformist counter-culture during the 1960s. The most punctual progenitors to funnies can be found in caverns, little stick men skewering mass formed monsters. Rodolphe Tã ¶pffer is considered by numerous individuals to be the Father of Modern Comics. Tã ¶pffer was the first to remark on the interlaced nature that words and pictures held, The photos without the content, would have just a dark significance; the content, without the photos, would amount to nothing (Fingeroth 2008, p. 12). In 1895, Richard F. Outcaults character, the Yellow Kid, was the main fruitful returning comic character. In 1935, Max Gaines discovered financing to start republishing comic serials into paper bound books, or comic books. Through the 1940s and 50s comic books were a fundamental focal point of assault for Dr. Fredric Wertham. Wertham guara nteed that funnies were tainting the ethics of children; this included allegations of Batman and Robin having gay propensities, that Supermans intensity of flight twisted a childs comprehension of material science, and that Wonder Woman gave little youngsters an inappropriate impression of the job of ladies in the public eye (Coville 1996, para 19). In 1954, the industry reacted by founding the Comic Code Authority (CCA), which gave out seals of endorsement to funnies it considered passed its exacting rules. This included controlling all butchery, any story without a cheerful consummation, and almost any type of sexuality (connections needed to maintain the holiness of marriage). Despite the fact that the CCA had no legitimate position, shops wouldnt sell funnies without the seal which prompted a decrease in the comic book industry in benefit and inventiveness. Enter the 1960s and the rise of the flower child counter-culture. A result of this time was the advancement of underground funnies, or comix, which was an immediate response to the standards of the CCA and the possibility of the establishment all in all. Specialists inside the underground comix scene concentrated on grown-up themed subjects, for example, psychedelic drug use, pushing sexual restrictions and dismissing built up perspectives on ethical quality, religion and social class. Two tremendous impacts in the scene incorporate Robert Crumb and Art Spiegelman, whose work could be found in record stores and head shops. In the mid 1970s standard comic brands began to get on these progressively genuine subjects, which prompted the debilitating of the CCA. The 70s likewise observed a move in center among comic books, significance to genuine issues turned into the prevailing thought. This prompted anecdotes about medication misuse, racial preference and a peppering of women's activist idea. Ethnic minorities additionally had more jobs in comic books, if still auxiliary and generalized. The 1980s to the current day have seen a move in funnies towards realistic books, sincerely complex characters with human shortcomings, politically animated story lines, coarse tragic esque urban communities and a pervasiveness of wannabe heroes (Coville 1996, para 16-23). The historical backdrop of funnies is so wealthy in detail this could be viewed as simply a glimpse of something larger. One thing is clear however; the comic book industry bounced back from genuine assaults and got more grounded than at any other time, pushing for individual articulation among its specialists and scholars. As made apparent by the previous 40 odd long periods of funnies, the impression of genuine social issues has been a mainstream pattern. Interesting issues that are as yet applicable right up 'til today incorporate the perspectives on ladies, LGBT people and ethnic minorities inside society. Ladies have had a job in funnies since their creation. Early portrayals of ladies as a rule put them in the job of lady in trouble/plot gadget or absolutely as a sex image. In 1940, the principal valid, albeit for the most part inconceivable, female superhuman was made: Fantomah (Markstein n.d, para 3). Fantomah, alongside other early female comic heroes Wonder Woman and Sheena, fell into the Jungle Goddess class. The job of the female was placed out of sight with the production of the CCA. Female characters didnt locate a positive voice in funnies until the 1980s and 1990s (Felton n.d., para 1). Arrangement, for example, Love Rockets, Ghost World, and Tank Girl advanced solid depictions of ladies , frequently with women's activist leanings managing the investigation of sexuality in positive manners and the excusal of anticipated jobs in the public arena. Gay characters additionally started to make a rise during this equivalent period. For instance, the arrangement Y: The Last Man played with the possibility of the considerable number of men on the planet however one ceasing to exist on the double. In addition to the fact that it took a genuine gander at the total reexamining of progress through the hands of ladies, it dug intensely into lesbian culture: the perspectives on ladies as manly and ladylike, hypotheses of strength and thoughts of where man would be in a female prevailing society. A more standard model would be Batwoman, who was as of late composed as a transparently gay character in the arrangement 52 (Gustines 2006, para 2). Ethnic minorities have been in comic books for as long as 100 years, however they were generally given cliché, frequently by and large supr emacist, jobs with no profundity of character. These days there are incalculable comic book characters of shading that are depicted in a similar light as white characters. Instances of this would be superheroes, for example, Storm, a dark lady who was pioneer of the X-Menã‚â ­, and Cyborg, dark male pioneer of the Teen Titans. Also almost the whole cast of Love Rockets who are of Mexican plunge. One of the most punctual notable dark superheroes, Black Panther, has as of late experienced a restoration. Reginald Hudlin, Black Entertainment Televisions President for Entertainment, who composed the new arrangement has expressed: Actually theres been not many dark characters who have their own book, who have been reliably distributed, not to mention a dark character who has been composed by a dark author and the point of view that originates from that (Gustines 2006, para 7). All things being equal, the exertion being made to transform funnies into apparatuses for individual reflection on ones qualities is by all accounts developing essentially. Built up sees are being tested in an inventive organization, with individuals having control in the amount they need to uncover themselves. Finally, the social effect of comic books on the world is vital; film and TV adjustments of comic books all through the world and their acknowledgment as writing, the augmentation of the anecdotal hero personality into genuine gatherings and people wearing outfits, and the utilization of comic books to push ideological perspectives has resoundingly affected society. In spite of the fact that adjustments of funnies had been put onto the big screen for a long time, Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon serials being noticeable, it wasnt until 1978 when the primary Superman film was discharged that crowds and producers paid attention to it (Booker 2007, pp. x-xi). Superman was incredibly mainstream, and until almost 10 years after the fact it ruled as the most notable comic film accessible. With new advancement made into PC created symbolism (CGI), the pattern was prepared to take off. Many comic book motion pictures and TV programs have been made, an acceptable measure of which arent superhuman related, on account of the almost unending capability of CGI (10 Interesting Comic Book Facts You Probably Didnt Know 2009, para 6). These incorporate great superheroes, for example, Batman, Superman and Spiderman that have been duplicated and acclimatized in remote nations. Another striking pattern is the perspective on comic books as authentic writing, for example, Art Spiegelmans Maus getting an uncommon Pulitzer in 1992 and Alan Moores Watchmen being gone into Time magazines 2005 rundown of 100 Best English-language books from 1923 to the present (10 Interesting Comic Book Facts You Probably Didnt Know 2009, para 8). At this point it very well may be asserted that superheroes are for sure a piece of our general public, yet a few people make it one stride further. Take for instance the New York based genuine hero Terrifica. Terrifica wears a fair wig and red boots, total with red cape and tool belt around evening time. Her strategic to keep plastered ladies from being exploited by sexual stalkers, which keeps her for the most part in bars and gathering scenes. Her most outstanding foe, Fantastico, is a full-time enticer of ladies, whom Terrfica has been known to strip ladies off of (Robinson 2002, para 4). It seems like a joke, however there are many genuine superheroes on the planet. Another is Angle-Grinder Man, an occupant of the London territory who goes around evening time, in full ensemble, with an edge processor that he uses to cut off clasps he finds on people groups vehicles. He even has a hotline (Superhero takes on clampers 2003, para 1-4). An undeniably all the more contacting model would be simply the gathering who call Superheroes Anonymous. This is a gathering of costumed saints who have been strolling the lanes of New York since 2007, distributing food and backing to the destitute (Superheroes Anonymous 2010, para 2). A comic being utilized as a vehicle for philosophy goes route back to the first serialized character, Yellow Kid. Despite the fact that the reason of Yellow Kid and his partners was carefree and capricious in nature, the hidden subject and masterful style of the comic was viewed as a basic parody of the serious destitution following the modern transformation. All the characters were filthy, cloth se cured, destitute looking youngsters who made jokes about high society customs (McAllister et al. 2001, pp.1-2). J. Robyn Goodman mentioned the objective fact that all through well known funnies in 1909 to 1914 over 80% of the kid's shows reflected enemy of suffragist belief system (Goodman in McAllister et al. 2001, p. 9). Subjects that have been secured, for example, the blooming of underground comix and the dynamic women's activist/sexual perspectives between the 19

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write Quality Articles

How to Write Quality ArticlesIf you're a writer who is trying to increase your visibility and you've spent the last six months building your online presence, you may have come across the first step in a lifelong journey that will lead you down the path to becoming a successful author. Writing a quality article can do more than drive traffic to your website. It can also help you build your reputation and earn you a living.A great way to get a leg up on the competition is to write an online journal article and submit it to different article directories. The key is to write an article that draws a reader in and drives them to your website. Here are some guidelines to follow when submitting your articles to journals and websites like of the most important things you can do is to write your article carefully. It should be organized and structured so that it makes sense as a complete article. Too many writer's first see their articles as a jumble of ideas that they wr ite and never finish.Make sure you have a clear and concise paragraph structure and keep the sentence's structure neat and simple. Just because it looks like you've written several times does not mean that is what you've actually done. Take time to review your piece at least once before submitting it. Take out any grammatical or spelling errors and fix your punctuation so that the reader can read your article comfortably.A great way to draw in your readers is to use a photograph or photo collage in your article. You'll find that by adding an image into your article, it allows your reader to become attached to your article and to follow your words and your blog posts. So it's important to make sure you use a high quality image and one that visually grab your reader's attention and engage them in your website.One thing to avoid is using flash or moving pictures in your article or in your body text because they tend to lose your reader's attention and distract them from the important p art about your writing and your website. By taking out a photo collage, you've opened up the possibility of adding another way to draw your readers in and to get them to follow your article. Another great use for a photo collage is to use it as the background for your email signature.Journal articles often lead to critiques from other writers and they also commonly receive reviews for their articles. After a reader has read your article and found it to be of good quality, they are much more likely to give you their honest opinion about your writing. You need to take the time to reply to the critique that is given to you and to work on the details in your writing.Online writing is not easy. You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of work and the task may seem tedious but the rewards of getting recognition for your writing and being published is priceless. By learning how to structure your article and by using a wide variety of images, you can make the process of writing your articles a pleasure instead of a dreaded chore.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Gender Depiction in Horror Films Essay - 2371 Words

Gender Depiction in Horror Films There has been a large variety of horror films produced throughout the last fifty years. People are always going to be frightened and scared by different types of horror films. But, what type of horror film scares more people, and were men or women more frightened by these horror films? Each one of the horror films had its own agenda to frighten its audience using several different methods of horror. Some of these methods were more so directed at the female audience than the male audience. Most horror movies show the female as being vulnerable, because in real life females are defenseless against monsters. Are women portrayed as being defenseless? In most horror films women seem to be†¦show more content†¦It all goes back to the Perils of Pauline? If you have a haunted house and you have a woman walking around with a candelabrum, you fear more for her than you would for a husky man? (Clover, p.77). This is a good example of how making women instead of men defenseless in horror films more entertaining. Even if the women are displayed as being more defenseless than men most of the time, in some cases there will be someone that ends up saving them in the end. Are women singled out to be killed more in slasher-films? The first big stalker film stalker film to come out was John Carpenter?s Halloween in 1978. Halloween took a reported $325,000 to be made and grossed over $80 million world wide up until 1987. This gave Halloween one of the highest proportional returns in film history (Waller, p. 87). The first film to copy its narrative and cinematic structure was Friday the 13th . I believe that younger community and women are the target market for stalker films like Halloween. Vera Dika writes, R-rated films were frequented by adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17, and these films of excessive violence against women found an audience that was 55 percent female? (Waller, p. 87). Horror movies portray women as vulnerable a lot of the time. Especially in slasher movies, women are often incapable of defending themselves against a stronger horror film-type villain. It is almost like they are waiting to be victimized. OverShow MoreRelatedHorror Movie : Get Out As A Typical Horror Film1101 Words   |  5 PagesGet Out is not the typical horror film but is a horror film. Instead of the classic monster, ghost, goblin or obvious killer, white characters in the film are the monsters. I want to compare Get Out with stereotypical horror films. Get Out is one of the most profound American horror films that sits in a category of its own. The focus on race in the film is horrific for many from both ends. The powerfully blatant gender roles replicate the socialized gender roles that have existed in American societyRead MoreHow Does Godard s Work, Breathless, Use Genre Or Generic Expectations?1401 Words   |  6 Pagesgeneric expectations and to what effect? 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Doris Kearns Goodwin Presidential Biographer

Doris Kearns Goodwin is a biographer and historian. She won a Pulitzer Prize for her biography of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Basic Facts: Dates:  January 4, 1943 - Occupation:  writer, biographer; professor of government, Harvard University; assistant to President Lyndon Johnson Known for:  biographies, including of Lyndon Johnson and Franklin  and Eleanor Roosevelt; book  Team of Rivals  as an inspiration to President-Elect Barack Obama in picking a cabinet Also known as:  Doris Helen Kearns, Doris Kearns, Doris Goodwin Religion:  Roman Catholic About Doris Kearns Goodwin: Doris Kearns Goodwin was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1943.   She attended the 1963 March on Washington. She graduated magna cum laude from Colby College and earned a Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1968.   She became a White House fellow in 1967, assisting Willard Wirtz as a special assistant. She came to the attention of President Lyndon Johnson when she co-wrote a very critical article on Johnson for the  New Republic  magazine, â€Å"How to Remove LBJ in 1968.† Several months later, when they met in person at a dance at the White House, Johnson asked her to work with him in the White House. He apparently wanted to have on staff someone who opposed his foreign policy, especially in Vietnam, during a time when he was under heavy criticism.   She served in the White House from 1969 to 1973. Johnson asked her to help write his memoirs.   During and after Johnsons Presidency, Kearns visited Johnson many times, and in 1976, three years after his death, published her first book,  Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream, an official biography of Johnson. She drew on the friendship and conversations with Johnson, supplemented by careful research and critical analysis, to present a picture of his accomplishments, failures, and motivations. The book, which took a psychological approach, met with critical acclaim, though some critics disagreed.   One common criticism was her interpretation of Johnson’s dreams. She married Richard Goodwin in 1975. Her husband, an advisor to John and Robert Kennedy as well as a writer, helped her to gain access to people and papers for her story on the Kennedy family, begun in 1977 and finished ten years later.   The book was originally intended to be about John F. Kennedy, Johnson’s predecessor, but it grew into a three-generation story of the Kennedys, starting with â€Å"Honey Fitz† Fitzgerald and ending with John F. Kennedy’s inauguration. This book, too, was  critically  acclaimed and was made into a television movie.   She not only had access to her husband’s experience and connections but gained access to Joseph Kennedy’s personal correspondence.   This book also gained considerable critical acclaim. In 1995, Doris Kearns Goodwin was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for her biography of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt,  No Ordinary Time. She focused attention on relationships that FDR had had with various women, including his mistress Lucy Mercer Rutherford, and on relationships that Eleanor Roosevelt had with such friends as Lorena Hickock, Malvina Thomas, and Joseph Lash.   As with her previous works, she looked at the families each came out of, and at the challenges each faced – including Franklin’s paraplegia.   She pictured them as working effectively in partnership even though they were alienated from each other personally and both quite lonely in the marriage. She then turned to writing a memoir of her own, about growing up as a Brooklyn Dodgers fan,  Wait Till Next Year. In 2005, Doris Kearns Goodwin published  Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. She had originally planned to write about the relationship of Abraham Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln.   Instead, she depicted his relationships with cabinet colleagues -- especially William H. Seward, Edward Bates and Salmon P. Chase -- as a kind of marriage as well, considering the time he spent with these men and the emotional bonds they developed during the war. When Barack Obama was elected as president in 2008, his selections for cabinet positions were reportedly influenced by his wanting to build a similar team of rivals. Goodwin followed with a book on the changing relationship between two other presidents and their journalistic depictions, especially by muckrakers: The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism. Doris Kearns Goodwin has also been a regular political commentator for television and radio. Background, Family: Father: Michael Alouisius, a bank examinerMother: Helen Witt Kearns Education: Colby College, B.A.Harvard University, Ph.D., 1968 Marriage, Children: husband: Richard Goodwin (married 1975; writer, political advisor)children: Richard, Michael, Joseph Frequently asked  question: I do not have Doris Kearns Goodwins email address, mailing address or postal address. If youre trying to get in touch with her, I suggest you contact her publisher. To find her most recent publisher, check the Books by Doris Kearns Goodwin section below or her  official website. For speaking dates, try contacting her agent, Beth  Laski  and Associates, in California. Books by Doris Kearns Goodwin Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys: An American Saga: 1991 (trade paperback)Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream: 1991 (trade paperback)No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt -- The Home Front in World War II: 1994 (hardcover)No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt -- The Home Front in World War II: 1995 (trade paperback)Wait Till Next Year: A Memoir: 1997 (hardcover)Wait Till Next Year: A Memoir: 1998 (trade paperback)Leader to Leader: Enduring Insights on Leadership from the Drucker Foundations Award-Winning Journal. Editors: Paul M. Cohen, Frances Hesselbein: 1999. (hardcover) Includes an essay by Doris Kearns Goodwin.Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln: 2005 Selected Quotes From Doris Kearns Goodwin I am a historian. With the exception of being a wife and mother, it is who I am. And there is nothing I take more seriously.I shall always be grateful for this curious love of history, allowing me to spend a lifetime looking back into the past, allowing me to learn from these large figures about the struggle for meaning for life.The past is not simply the past, but a prism through which the subject filters his own changing self-image.That is what leadership is all about: staking your ground ahead of where opinion is and convincing people, not simply following the popular opinion of the moment.Good leadership requires you to surround yourself with people of diverse perspectives who can disagree with you without fear of retaliation.Once a president gets to the White House, the only audience that is left that really matters is history.Ive been to the White House a number of times.I realize that to be a historian is to discover the facts in context, to discover what things mean, to lay b efore the reader your reconstruction of time, place, mood, to empathize even when you disagree. You read all the relevant material, you synthesize all the books, you speak to all the people you can, and then you write down what you known about the period. You feel you own it.With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed.Journalism still, in a democracy, is the essential force to get the public educated and mobilized to take action on behalf of our ancient ideals.And as for the final sphere of love and friendship, I can only say it gets harder once the natural communities of college and home town are gone. It takes work and commitment, demands toleration for human frailties, forgiveness for the inevitable disappointment and betrayals that come even with the best of relationships.Generally, what gives me the most pleasure really is sharing with the audience some of the experiences and the stories of more than two decades now spent in writing this series of pr esidential biographies.In being able to talk about how you do it, what the experience is in interviewing people and talking to people who knew the people and going through the letters and sifting it through. Essentially just telling your favorite stories of the various people.... The great thing is that as you accumulate more and more subjects, there are more and more great stories to share. I think what the audience likes to hear are some of the stories that reveal character and the human traits of some of these figures who might otherwise seem distant to them.The bully pulpit is somewhat diminished in our age of fragmented attention and fragmented media.I write about presidents. That means I write about guys -- so far. Im interested in the people closest to them, the people they love and the people theyve lost... I dont want to limit it to what they did in the office, but what happens at home and in their interactions with other people.[on accusations of plagiarism:] Ironically, t he more intensive and far-reaching a historians research, the greater the difficulty of citation. As the mountain of material grows, so does the possibility of error†¦. I now rely on a scanner, which reproduces the passages I want to cite, and then I keep my own comments on those books in a separate file so that I will never confuse the two again.[On Lyndon Johnson:] So dominant had politics been, constricting his horizon in every sphere, that once the realm of high power was taken from him, he was drained of all vitality. Years of concentration solely on work meant that in his retirement he could find no solace in recreation, sports or hobbies. As his spirits sagged, his body deteriorated, until I believe he slowly brought about his own death.[On Abraham Lincoln:] Lincolns ability to retain his emotional balance in such difficult situations was rooted in actute self-awareness and an enormous capacity to dispel anxiety in constructive ways.[On Abraham Lincoln:] This, then, is a story of Lincoln’s political genius revealed through his extraordinary array of personal qualities that enabled him to form friendships with men who had previously opposed him; to repair injured feelings that, left untended, might have escalated into permanent hostility; to assume responsibility for the failures of subordinates; to share credit with ease; and to learn from mistakes. He possessed an acute understanding of the sources of power inherent in the presidency, an unparalleled ability to keep his governing coalition intact, a tough-minded appreciation of the need to protect his presidential prerogatives, and a masterful sense of timing.[About her book,  Team of Rivals:] I thought, at first, that I would focus on Abraham Lincoln and Mary as I did on Franklin and Eleanor; but, I found that during the war, Lincoln was married more to the colleagues in his cabinet -- in terms of time he spent with them and the emotion shared -- than he was to Mary.Taft was Roosevelts h andpicked successor. I didnt know how deep the friendship was between the two men until I read their almost four hundred letters, stretching back to  the  early  30s. It made me realize the heartbreak when they ruptured was much more than a political division.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Dietary Guidelines State That Adolescents Should Aim

Adolescents is a critical period of growth and development therefore good nutrition is essential. Every adolescent grows and develops at different rates and the can be a reason why unrealistic expectations develop. The Australian Dietary Guidelines state that adolescents should aim to: – Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods such as: o Vegetables of different types and colours, and legumes/beans o Fruit o Grain foods, mostly whole grain and high cereal fibre varieties o Lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds o Milk, yoghurt and cheese – Drink plenty of water – Limit intake of foods containing saturated fat, added salt and added sugars The following table is the recommended average daily number of serves from each of the five food groups, also known as the RDI, from Vegetables Legumes/ Beans Fruit Grain Foods Lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds Milk, cheese Boys 12-13 5.5 2 6 2.5 3.5 14-18 5.5 2 7 2.5 3.5 Girls 12-12 5 2 7 2.5 3.5 14-18 5 2 8 2.5 3.5 Daily intake of sodium, zinc and potassium intake is the same across all groups. The daily intake of iron is the same across both gender however adolescents need more iron than other age groups and the volumes of blood in their body is growing as well as a growing muscle mass. The 12-15 year old age group requires more calcium and phosphorous than the 16-18 year old group in both genders, as they have already reached peak bone density. The 16-18 year old ageShow MoreRelatedThe Study s Intervention Was An Asp That Was Implemented Twice Per Week1204 Words   |  5 Pageshour of physical activity. The valid curriculum was also adapted culturally for Mexican-American children. The health outcomes included BMI, BMI percentile, aerobic capacity, dietary preferences, and health knowledge. Aerobic capacity was measured via the Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run (PACER) test, and dietary preferences and health knowledge were measured by a self-completed survey and previously va lidated questionnaire called the After School Student Questionnaire (ASSQ). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Diploma in Business Management Formal Management

Question: Discuss the Case Study for Diploma in Business Management of Formal Management. Answer: 1: Basis of Distinction Formal meeting Informal meeting Semi formal meeting Definition A formal meeting is a pre-planned event that includes a meeting between individuals in a specific manner, following the specific rules and regulations to achieve a specified goals and objectives. An informal meeting is not a planned meeting and does and is more casual in nature. A semi formal meeting could imply a get together or a casual meeting that can occur at workplace for discussing managerial issues. Formal Agenda A formal meeting will have a formal agenda. An informal might have an agenda but not a formal agenda A semi formal meeting might have a formal agenda or might not have a formal agenda Board Meeting A formal meeting includes board meeting. An informal meeting does not comprise of board meetings. A semi formal meeting does not include board meetings Freedom of thought There is no freedom of thought in a formal meeting There is complete freedom of thought in a formal meeting There might be restriction on the freedom of thoughts in a semi-formal meeting. Formal requirements There are formal requirements in a board meeting, which is accompanied by an agenda. There are no formal requirements in a meeting. There could be formal or here could be no formal requirements in a semi formal meeting. Place Formal meetings are held in a formal location, which is decided beforehand. Informal meetings can take place anywhere and in informal places like coffee shop or a restaurant. Semi formal meeting does not require formal locations and places. (b) Purpose of the meetings Formal meetings The purpose of formal meetings is to discuss a set of predetermined objectives and goals that is intended to be discussed. The purpose of these meetings is to address a set of objectives for a company and make critical decisions regarding them. The purpose is to formulate critical strategies regarding the operations of the business. Formal meetings are also conducted to increase transparency in the operations and also fix accountability and responsibilities. These meetings also allow necessary discussions and consultations to be made regarding operations and strategies in the company. It is important so that the employees of the companies are able to understand the central goals and objectives of the company. This would make the employees aware of their roles and duties in the organizations. Informal meeting The purpose of informal meeting is to discuss matters, which would not have been suitable in a formal matter. It aims to infuse more casual approach in a meeting. These meetings are held when more freedom of thoughts and speech is needed from the speaker to discuss certain informal meetings regarding workplace. It gives the speaker some degree of flexibility regarding speech and the topics that can be discussed. Such meetings aim to make the speaker feel more at ease compared to what it would have been in a formal meeting. It helps to get the opinions and views of the speaker with more clarity and transparency. It helps to discuss business ideas and communicate better regarding projects of the business. It helps in relaying information within an organization. Semi-formal meeting Semi-formal meeting is intended on discussing critical issues of the company but in a semi formal tone. Parties involved in a meeting The chairman/chairwoman is involved in a meeting. Chairman/chairwoman is the person who is in charge of conducting a meeting and the company. The chairman or chairwoman is the supreme authority in a meeting. A secretary has to be present in a meeting. A secretary is in charge of writing letters and keeping records of meeting. A convener has to attend these meetings. A convener is a person who organizes a meeting. Contingents have to attend these meetings. Contingents refer to a group of people who represent an organization. Delegates have to be present in a meeting. Delegates are those who represent another group in a discussion. Moderators also have to be present in a meeting. Moderators are vested with the responsibility of being in charge of people in meetings and during discussions. Discussion groups attend meetings in a workplace to frequently discuss on operations and business projects. 2. Difference between general meeting and annual general meeting Basis of Distinction General Meeting Annual General Meeting Frequency General meetings can be held on any subject and at any time. Annual General Meeting is held once a year. Agenda The agenda for the general meeting is nothing special as compared to an annual general meeting. Annual General meeting has a preplanned and special agenda for the meeting Parties involved in the meeting General meeting involves only the employees and the management of a company. Annual general meeting involves all the stakeholders of the company. Necessity It is not necessary to hold a general meeting. It is held only if it is necessary for the business of the company. It is compulsory to hold an annual general meeting every financial year. 3. Meeting Requirements: Proprietary Company A proprietary company is not obligated under law to hold any public meetings. As a result, there are no specific meeting requirements of the company. It is entirely dependent on the owners and the plans of the owners. Public Company One of the meeting requirements of a public limited company is that the quorum of the meetings should be one-third of the total strength of the meeting. A public limited company must hold a meeting within six months from the year end. Any manager or director can call for a meeting in public limited company. The minimum number of days to give the notice for the meeting is 14 days and the maximum number of days for the notice is 21 days. The notice must be submitted to a manager and the approval of the manager must be included. The directors can call for a general meeting whenever they think it is necessary. The request for the meeting must include the nature of the business and the text of the resolution. If the meeting has a proposed resolution, then it is important resolution is included in the notice as well. The notice must include the date, time and place of the meeting. The notice must be sent to every member, director and those representing the company. Taking minutes of a meet ing is a legal requirement of meeting. Listed company One of the major requirements for holding meetings of a listed company is that is that it should be listed on the stock exchange. The notice of annual general meeting needs to be sent to the shareholders within 20 day prior to the meeting. 4. Terms Chairperson Chairperson is the chief person who presides over a meeting. A chairperson chairs the meeting. Secretary A secretary is the guardian of a meeting who makes all the arrangement and organizes a meeting and maintains all documents and minutes of a meeting. Treasurer A person responsible for taking care and maintaining the treasury of an organization is called the treasurer of the organization. Abstention The act of abstaining and refraining to vote against a motion or a proposal is called abstention. Adjournment The act of cessation or postponement of a proceeding is called adjournment. Agenda Agenda refers to a list of activities that is supposed to be taken in a meeting in sequential order. Motion Motion refers to a formal step, which is taken to present a matter for consideration in a meeting. Casting Vote Casting vote refers to the extra vote that is given by the chairperson when the vote given by the groups regarding a motion are equal. Proxy A proxy refers to someone who attends a general meeting and votes on behalf of a member of the company. Tabled Tabled refers to the members who are formally present for a discussion in a meeting. 5. Estimation of cost Particulars Amount Room Hire $1,000 Catering cost Morning Tea $2.50 Lunch $7 Afternoon Tea $2.50 Equipment Hire: Overhead Projector $30 Electronic $20 Whiteboard Data projector $25 Total Cost $1,087 6. Documents required for a meeting While organizing and managing a meeting, notice and agenda are the documents that are required to conduct a meeting. Notice Notice is the document that is supposed to be distributed to the managers, directors, and all the members of the company. It is a notification regarding a meeting to all the members of the company. It should state the name of the organization. It should inform about the date, time and place of the meeting. It should state the purpose of the meeting. It should include the signature of the secretary. It should be given to all the members of the company. It should be given well in advance. Seven days notice must be given to hold formal meeting. Agenda Agenda refers to a document that contains the list of items that is supposed to be discussed in the meeting. It is a map of the business. The list to be discussed in the meeting is decided after consultation with the chairperson and after getting the approval with the chairperson. Minutes Another document that is required to be prepared after a meeting is minutes. Minutes contain all the details that occur in a meeting. The minutes include details of the discussions and proceedings in a meeting. It includes all the intricate details of the meeting. The minutes should shed light on the name of the organization, date, time, place of the organization, name of the chairperson and secretary, number of members present and absent. The resolution and the recommendations made at the meeting should be included in the minutes. Secretary The person who is responsible for preparing the notice, agenda and the minutes is the secretary of a company. The secretary is vested with responsibility of sending the notice and agenda to the members of the company. The secretary is responsible of preparing the minutes of a meeting. Timeline for documentation The notice should be minimum 14 days prior to the meeting and maximum 21 days prior to the meeting. The agenda is drafted along with the notice. The minutes should be drafted within 30 days from the date of the meeting. 7. Skills and expertise required for managing meetings are: Preparing the agenda list in advance and with careful consideration The objectives and the aims for conducting a meeting should not be vague and ambiguous. There should be clear agendas and purpose for a meeting. As such, it is important that the agenda should be prepared in advance and beforehand. The topics that need to be discussed should be prepared in advance and the agenda list need to be distributed to the members of the company in advance. Check the attendance list It is important that the attendance list is reviewed and checked before the meeting. It helps to know of the people that would be available for the meeting. Keep Track of time It is important that time is managed in a meeting. Time management helps to keep the meeting organized and systematic. It avoids the meeting from getting chaotic and long. Discuss important points and decisions that would be discussed in the meeting It is important that important points and decisions that are part of the agenda list be discussed beforehand with members of the company. Follow up on the minutes It is important that the minutes are carefully analyzed and scrutinized. Following up on the meeting is an essential requirement for management of meeting. Listening to the arguments for and against a motion It is important that the various arguments for and against a motion is carefully heard and understand. Giving the speakers equal chance to speak helps to coordinate and carry out the meeting without any hassle and chaos. Legal or ethical issues There are certain legal and ethical issues that need to be considered while conducting a meeting. Some of these are: The notice period is not signed by the authorized person The minutes is not being duly drafted and signed by the concerned authority within 30 days. The opinions and views presented in a meeting are not signed by the authentic person. This could create issues with intellectual property. The notice of the meeting is not provided to all the members of the company beforehand. Having a biased opinion towards certain speaker and members present in the meeting. How to manage time constraints and conflicts within a meeting? Proper preparation of policies and guidelines will be critical in maintaining time constraints. There should be clear instructions and guidelines to be mentioned on the timings of the meetings. Careful stress need to be made on punctuality and fines should be made on the non-compliance with guidelines and rules. There has to be careful steps and approach that needs to be taken while handling conflicts within a meeting. Ethical practices need to be followed and fair and just approach need to be adopted. During conflicts, it is important that equal chances are given to the members in a meeting. There should be clear policies and guidelines need to be made regarding conflict solving. 8. There are certain tasks that can be delegated to other staff members. Some of these tasks are: Making seating arrangement The job of making proper seating arrangement for the members of the meeting can be allocated to other staff members of the company. It helps in diffusing the responsibility and workload on the managers. Making proper arrangement of refreshments The job of making proper arrangement of refreshment for the members of the meetings can be allocated to subordinates of the company. Choosing the venue of the meeting The job of choosing the venue of the meeting can be passed on to other members of the company. It helps in distribution of work and workload among different members. It helps in delegation of authority and responsibility. Arranging the infrastructure of the meetings The job of arranging the infrastructure of the meetings like arrangement of data projector, electronic whiteboard etc can be passed on different member of the company. Such delegation of tasks helps in fixing responsibility and authority. It induces division of labor. It helps the burden of workload to be diffused among different members. The critical members can focus on other strategic and important matters. It will help in achieving the goals and objectives of the meetings. 9. Agenda Coco Knight Clothing Company Smithtown, Victoria Agenda To discuss methods to maximize sales for the company To acquire new car for business purposes To establish business ties with Italian fabric wholesalers To discuss on the travel expenditure of the company To discuss the hiring process of recruiters of the company To implement new OHS procedure To discuss the staff performance appraisal methods 10. The role of a minute taker is to take details and information of a minute during a meeting. A minute taker has to record and take note of the minute of the meeting. A minute taker has to actively participate in the meeting and take note of intricate details of the meeting. The roles and duties of the minute taker are: Take note of the discussions and details of the meeting. Writing the notes in a standard format and making sure that the communication of these notes does not create confusion. The minutes are distributed to all important people by the minute taker The copy of the minute is filed for future reference by a minute taker. The interaction of a minute taker before a meeting is with the managers regarding the purpose and agenda of the meeting. During the meeting, the minute taker has to interact with the different members present in the meeting and after the meeting, a minute taker has to communicate the minutes of the meeting with the members of the supply, shareholders and other stakeholders of the company. 2. NMC Party Supplies Minutes of Meeting dated 15th July Place and Time of the Meeting 9, Dryburg Street, West Melbourne, Victoria on 15th July at 10:30 am Roll Call Members present: Keith Regan(chair) Marvin Patheson(deputy chair) Ricky Martin Rafael Nadal Carrie Bickmore Maria Sharapova Marco White Members Absent Brad Pitt Minutes of previous meeting held in June. discussed The name of the guest speaker was rectified o Robinson from Robertson. The minutes were then accepted DEF Secretary 4. Interacting with other members of the meeting More stress will be made the on the environment of the meeting. Stress and focus will be given on the fact that the meeting is held in a peaceful and comfortable place. Healthy discussions need to be done and equal opportunities need to be provided to the members to let them have an equal say in the meetings. Proper utilization of interpersonal skills needs to be done so that the communication is one properly and smoothly and no conflict takes palce. Utilizing the meeting agenda Efficient and effective discussion needs to be made on the agenda of the meetings. The motions and proposals in the meeting will be discussed properly and equal opportunities will be provided to the members of the meeting to let every have an equal. The point of views and opinions can be obtained and the discussion can be strong and rational and it will help in achieving the purpose of the meeting. The members will be allowed to speak in a hierarchal order and equal opportunities will be provided to the members to allow them to have an equal say and induce proper problem solving opportunities. Overall management of the meeting The minute taker will be given proper idea and knowledge about the responsibilities and duties that the minute taker has to discharge. It will make the proceedings in the meeting smoother. The minutes need to be taken from the minute taker so the overall management of the meeting is done properly. This will allow in effective following up on the meeting. Properly management of time and elimination of hindrances in the meeting like noise, and conflicting thoughts, and ethical practice will help to conduct the meeting without any issues and hindrances. The attendance list will be properly reviewed. The chair of the meeting will be done according to organizational structure and policies. The copy of the minutes will be distributed to relevant members of the meetings.